
Visiting INNIO

In mid-January, a number of MCX colleagues visited INNIO is Jenbach, Austria. Fortunately, what started with a logistical challenge and the question of whether the physical meeting would take place, ended in a fruitful and successful trip! Below, Marjan Veerman, service manager at MCX, talks about the success of this customer visit.

From the INNIO account team, Chris Spaans, Account Manager, Michael Verzijl, Lead Consultant and myself were invited to participate in a customer visit together with an employee team from Enshore, our functional management partner. Packed and prepared, we were ready at Schiphol on Monday afternoon when it turned out that our flight to Innsbruck was cancelled! There are not daily flights to Innsbruck so getting to our destination on time became a challenge. For a while it looked like we wouldn't arrive in Austria at all but after some detective work we found an option to rebook our flight and rental car to Salzburg. Complete with a heavy snow shower, we still arrived at our hotel late in the evening. A slightly longer travel day than previously planned but a unique opportunity to get to know your colleagues well.

Early the next morning, the meeting with INNIO was scheduled. This fortunately took place without delay. This INNIO plant produces gas engines, generator sets, cogeneration and power generation equipment and compressors. A huge industrial complex in a small village. You can imagine that INNIO provides a lot of employment in this municipality.

During our visit, we talked at length about MCX's services. We talked about what is going well and what could be improved. But also about the projects that are currently running and are about to start and what we want to achieve together in the longer term.

Looking back we concluded that, in 2023, we worked especially hard on stability of the environment, a fine achievement. The trust between INNIO and MCX and Enshore has also grown even more. A logical next step is to further optimise and professionalise services. Actions have been defined that we will pick up together this year, such as reporting and consultation structures. We have also established a nice project calendar with no fewer than 10 projects that we will pick up this year and want to bring to a successful conclusion.

Johan van Veen, the CEO of MCX, interrupted his holiday to join us for a day. He had brought an MCX clock for INNIO to hang with the collection of 'world clocks'. As the picture shows, the clock has now been given a nice place on the wall!

To conclude our visit, we were given a tour of the impressive complex. It is great to see how, the work we do contributes to the final result!